
You can now make your registration here!

Registration feesEarly Bird: Full Conference (before March 28th )Late: Full Conference Onsite: Full Conference Single Day
IEEE Members$650$800$950$300
Non Members$825$975$1150$375
Lifetime/Student Members/Retired$550$650$700$240

Early Bird Registration:  February 24 – March 28, 2205

Standard Registration:  March 22 – April 18, 2025

On-Site Registration:  April 22-24

Registration Details for Authors of Accepted Papers and Posters

Papers: To be published in the IEEE RFID 2025 Conference Proceedings and IEEE Xplore®, an author of an accepted paper is required to register for the conference, and must present the paper at the conference. Registration fees must be paid prior to uploading the final IEEE formatted, publication-ready version of the paper. For authors with multiple accepted papers, one full registration is valid for up to two papers. Upon completion of a paid registration, an email message with the confirmation ID# will be sent to the registrant. This confirmation ID# must be entered into EDAS during the uploading process.

Posters: Each accepted poster must be posted in the display area and presented for discussion during the poster session. The poster presenter must be an author of the poster and that author must be registered for the conference based on their IEEE membership status: Member, Life/Retired/Student, or Non-Member. Once an author of an accepted paper has registered for the conference at the full member or non-member fee, it is not necessary to register again for one accepted poster

Photography – Attendance at, or participation in, this conference constitutes consent to the use and distribution by IEEE of the attendee’s image or voice for informational, publicity, promotional and/or reporting purposes in print or electronic communications media. No flash photography will be used. Video recording by participants and other attendees during any portion of the conference is not allowed without special prior written permission of IEEE. Photographs of copyrighted PowerPoint or other slides are for personal use only and are not to be reproduced or distributed. Do not photograph any such images that are labeled as confidential and/or proprietary.

Non-discrimination – IEEE is committed to the principle that all persons shall have equal access to programs, facilities, services, and employment without regard to personal characteristics not related to ability, performance, or qualifications as determined by IEEE policy and/or applicable laws. For more information on the IEEE policy visit this website.

Registration fees are equal for both speakers and attendees.

PDF Generation

You must use IEEE PDF eXpress™ to generate or verify an IEEE Xplore® compliant PDF. We strongly recommend that all final submissions be created using the IEEE PDF eXpress™ service. The IEEE PDF eXpress™ service can convert your paper from a wide range of formats to IEEE Xplore®-compatible PDFs. The service is free of charge and can be accessed using the following information:

  • Go to the IEEE PDF eXpress™ Login Page
  • Please use the following 

    ID Conference number: 64926X

  • Continue to enter information as prompted.
  • An online confirmation will be displayed and an email confirmation will be sent verifying your account setup.
  • Previous users of IEEE PDF eXpress™ need to follow the above steps but should enter the same password that was used for previous conferences. Please verify that your contact information is valid.

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