The 19th IEEE International Conference on RFID (IEEE RFID 2025) is seeking high-quality submissions for papers and posters (see submission options below) in all areas of technical RFID research and application. IEEE RFID 2025 offers a unique opportunity to share, discuss, and witness research results in all areas of RFID technologies and their applications.

Come join us in Atlanta, Georgia, April  22 – 24 2025!


Submission options

The IEEE Council on RFID is excited to offer a dual-track submission for its Cyber-physical Radio week in Atlanta, 22-24 April 2025. Authors may choose to submit their manuscripts for peer review through one of two methods: through the conference review process in EDAS or through the IEEE Journal on RFID’s special issue on Cyber-Physical Radio.

See more information about the dual track process here

For more information about the IEEE JRFID special issue on Cyber-Physical Radio see here.  


For Conference Submissions

Prepare your manuscript according to the conference-specific instructions and submit through the conference’s EDAS site. The review process will follow the standard deadlines with recommended papers included in the final conference program for presentations. Accepted papers will be included in the conference proceedings that will be submitted to IEEExplore. Additionally, authors will receive invitations to publish expanded works in the special issue on Cyber-physical Radio in IEEE JRFID, provided they have 50% new material over their existing conference publication.


For Journal Submissions

Prepare your manuscript according to the guidelines at IEEE Journal on RFID and submit to the special issue on Cyber-physical Radio. For manuscripts submitted before the conference submission deadline, the manuscript review process will commence normally. There are three outcomes:


1) Reject manuscript

2) Reject manuscript from Journal, accept for conference publication and presentation: the manuscript will not be published in IEEE JRFID, but will instead be accepted for conference presentation and submitted with the conference proceedings to IEEExplore.

3) Accept (revisions pending): A place in the conference program will be reserved for the authors to present their work as the manuscript continues on with successive rounds of revision. The authors must follow through with the presentation and review process in order for the manuscript to be submitted to IEEExplore through IEEE JRFID.



* Papers sent to the conference through IEEE JRFID will not be subject to page limits or charges if included in the conference proceedings. 

* All published papers must be accompanied by a paid conference registration and a conference presentation by one of the authors. Failure to do so will be considered a violation of the “no show” policy, which will prevent manuscript publication. 

* Manuscripts submitted to the special issue on Cyber-physical Radio in IEEE Journal on RFID after the conference submission deadline may not be reviewed in time for inclusion in the conference program unless a late news deadline is provided.


For Conference submissions, Manuscripts should be 4 – 6 pages, submitted by the advertised conference deadline.

Posters follow the 1-page format.


Important dates:

Paper Submission Deadline: January 27th, 2025
Notification of Acceptance: March 10 th, 2025
Poster Submission: March 15th, 2025
Final Paper Submission: March 31st, 2025

All deadlines are at 11:59pm UTC-12


Submission guidelines

Please, carefully check the submission guidelines:

Authors of Accepted Papers receive peer reviews by top RFID technology leaders, have their work published on IEEE Xplore, and are enrolled in the IEEE RFID 2025 Best Paper Competition.

Accepted papers are chosen on the basis of originality, technical content, clarity and potential impact of results. Submissions must be original and may not be under consideration elsewhere. Cases of multiple publications and plagiarism will be handled according to IEEE policies and procedures.

Formatting and Double-Blind Review

Papers should be submitted as a PDF document and must adhere to the US Letter 2-column or A4 IEEE manuscript template for conferences (templates and instructions available from the IEEE). Manuscripts must be 6 pages.

Papers will be reviewed in a double-blind review process to help eliminate any bias for/against an author or institution based on name, country, gender, or other characteristics.

To anonymize their work, authors must take the following steps:

  1. Remove author names, contact information, and affiliations from the title and anywhere else;
  2. Remove acknowledgments and references to funding sources;
  3. Use the third person to reference the authors’ own work.
    For example, do not write “We demonstrated in [2] that…
    Instead, write “It was demonstrated in [2] that…
  4. Ensure figures do not contain any affiliation-related identifier (e.g. logos on hardware or in IC layouts);
  5. Depersonalize the work by using anonymous text where necessary;
  6. Remove or depersonalize citations to authors’ unpublished work;
  7. Remove references to patents filed by authors or their institutions.



Papers for which a presenting Author is registered and has paid the registration fee by the set deadline will be scheduled for presentation, included in the Conference Proceedings, and published on IEEE Xplore©.



Posters will be not published on IEEE Xplore.

General Track topics

  • Antennas & Propagations
    • Antenna Theory and Design
    • Channel modeling and measurements
    • MIMO, UWB, and hybrid antennas
    • Novel RFID measurement techniques
  • Applications & Software
    • RFID software, middleware, and networking
    • RFID in smart cities
    • RFID for industry 4.0
    • RFID in retail / healthcare
    • RFID in agriculture
    • RFID in logistics and inventory management
    • RFID based infrastructure for Internet of Things
  • Protocols & Security
    • Standards-Compliant Backscatter
    • Cybersecurity and cryptography in RFID
    • Privacy-enhancing and anti-counterfeiting techniques
    • Anti-collision techniques
    • High-speed data capture
  • Circuits, Devices & Interrogations
    • Circuit designs
    • Reader architecture
    • Non-silicon tags
    • Chipless tags
    • Multi-reader coordination and interference reduction
    • Near field Communications (NFC)
  • Next-Gen RFID & ID+
    • Green technologies for RFID
    • Millimeter-wave RFID
    • THz & optical RFID
    • Advanced coding and modulation schemes
    • WiFi- & BLE-assisted RFID
    • Novel materials in RFID
    • AR/VR in RFID
  • Sensor
    • Environmental sensing
    • RFID Sensors
    • Active, passive and chipless sensors
  • Motion Capture (MoCap)
    • Tracking applications
    • Localization
    • Wireless Motion Capture Systems